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Program for  From Localization to Language Processing


[Day 1]  [Day 2]  [Day 3]  [Day 4]  [Day 5]


Day 0 [19th June, 2005] Excursion to Angkor Wat

Day 1 [20th June, 2005] Introduction to Linguistics and Language Processing


Day 2 [21st June, 2005] Language Processing for Localization

Time Talk/Event Speaker
9:00-9:30 Locale, IBM ICU and CLDR

Mr. Subir Pradhanang, MPP, Kathmandu, Nepal

9:30-10:30 Line Breaking Algorithm for Lao Mr. Phonpassit Phissamay, STEA, Vientiane, Laos
10:30-11:00 Coffee and Tea Break  

Panel on Collation of Asian Languages






Mr. Amar Gurung, MPP, Khatmando, Nepal

Panel Participants

Dulip Herath, UCSC, Colombo, Sri Lanka

Mr. Phonpassit Phissamay, STEA, Vientiane, Laos

Mr. Chea Sok Huor, PAN Cambodia, Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Mr. Pema Geyleg, DoIT, Thimphu, Bhutan

1:00-2:00 Lunch
2:00-3:30 Panel for Localization of Linux





Dr. Mumit Khan, BRAC University, Dhaka,  Bangladesh

Panel Participants

Rendering Support:
Mr. Pema Geyleg, DoIT, Thimphu, Bhutan

Linux Dist. and Glossary:
Mr. Subir Pradhanang, MPP, Kathmandu, Nepal

Open Office:
Asif Iqbal Sarkar, BRAC University, Dhaka,  Bangladesh

3:30-4:00 Coffee and Tea Break  
4:00-5:30 Language Processing Standards

Dr. Choi Key-Sun, KAIST, Seoul, Korea


Day 3 [22nd June, 2005] Computational Lexicon and Grammar

Time Talk/Event Speaker
9:00-10:00 XML Technology Mr. Shafiq ur Rahman, NUCES, Lahore, Pakistan
10:00-11:00 Lexical Content and Design Mr. Shafiq ur Rahman, NUCES, Lahore, Pakistan
11:00-11:30 Coffee and Tea Break  
11:30-1:00 Global WordNet and the Suggested Upper Merged Ontology (SUMO) : Ontologies, Lexicons and their Relationships Mr. Adam Pease, Articulate Software, USA
1:00-2:00 Lunch  
2:00-3:30 Panel on Lexical Design for Asian Languages






Dr. Choi Key-Sun, KAIST, Seoul, Korea

Panel Participants

Mr. Shafiq ur Rahman, NUCES, Lahore, Pakistan

Dulip Herath, UCSC, Colombo, Sri Lanka

Laxmi Prasad Khatiwada, MPP Kathmandu, Nepal

3:30-4:00 Coffee and Tea Break  
4:00-5:30 Computational Grammar and Frameworks Dr. Sarmad Hussain, NUCES, Lahore, Pakistan

Day 4 [23rd June, 2005] Statistical Grammars and Spell Checkers


Day 4 [23rd June, 2005, 7:00 p.m.] Conference Dinner


Day 5 [24th June, 2005] Localization, Language Processing and its Future

Time Talk/Event Speaker
09:00-10:30 Panel on Local Language Computing in Asia



Ms. Maria Ng Lee Hoon, PAN Asia Networking, IDRC, Singapore

Panel Participants

Dr. Chai Wutiwiwatchai, NECTEC, Bangkok, Thailand

Mr. Ngwe Tun, NLP Group, Myanmar Computer Federation, Yangoon, Mayanmar

Dr. Choi Key-Sun, KAIST, Seoul, Korea

Dr. Ruvan Weerasinghe, UCSC, Colombo, Sri Lanka

Mr. Chea Sok Huor, PAN Cambodia, Phnom Penh, Cambodia

12:30-1:00 Concluding Remarks Ms. Maria Ng Lee Hoon, PAN Asia Networking, IDRC, Singapore


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